Wednesday, April 06, 2016

E -- Every breath you take

Every Breath you take by Sting was one of my favourites. Back in the day, I thought it incredibly romantic, particularly on account of Sting's distinctive, sensuous voice.

I used to sing my own version of the song: Every breath you take, every move you make, every heart you break, every cake you bake, I’ll be watching you.

Today when I think of it, I can see the dangerously stalker-like overtones to the song. I certainly wouldn’t want somebody watching every breath I took. The very thought is creepy.

I must have been very naïve back then. As were so many other people. In fact, couples used to play the song at weddings, so there was a romantic aura that attached itself to the song.

It felt like a soothing reminder to a loved one, that you were always around and watching them.

I needed adulthood to see through that illusion.


  1. I love Sting. Have several of his CDs and saw him in concert about 15 years ago.

  2. This post made me laugh. I also did not understand how creepy that song is until I was well into adulthood.

  3. That's still my favorite song. Sting is really an amazing singer. I once owned a cassette that had desert rose in it.

    A Whimsical Medley
    Twinkle Eyed Traveller

  4. I was about to say the exact same would be creepy to have someone stalk you thus!! But the song is nice to listen to..

    Shubhangi @ The Little Princess

  5. I didn't think about the stalker-like aspect of this song until … not too long ago. It's just a great song even if the words suggest Sting is a stalker. ;)

  6. Every cake you bake ... I kind of like that!

    I had never really stopped to think that this could work as a stalkers theme song.

  7. I still like this song - stalker and all! And that video was once one of my favorites.

    #AtoZChallenge E is for Elle

  8. One of my all time favourites.

  9. One of my favourite songs but the stalking angle never did strike me!
    @yenforblue from
    Spice of Life!

  10. Heard this song in weddings years ago, do not remember now... never knew the words, until I read your post..



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