Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A newborn speaks


There is so much I want to tell you. But in the absence of the power of speech, I don’t know just how much I will be able to convey. Or how much you will be able to understand.

It’s tough to be a newborn, you know. Communication is so difficult.

There is so much I want to tell you. We, newborns, have a deep need of you. We look to you for everything. For the milk you give us, for the warmth with which you envelop us, for your unconditional love. And that’s something that we're never going to stop needing.

Everybody gushes over babies, raving endlessly about the gurgles, the toothless mouths, the crinkly eyes, the jiggling bellies. But we, newborns, we don’t do anything except drink, sleep and poop. Drink on demand. Sleep whenever the mood takes us. And poop too, particularly when you least expect it. 

Some parents feel a surge of love well up in their hearts at the sight of us. But not everyone does. If you don’t fit into the former category, I’d like to request you to please be patient with us.

We don’t really understand the concept of night and day, and it is likely that over the next few days weeks months, we might give you a lot of sleepless nights. You might find yourself dozing on your feet. Longing for those days when you slept in late. Enjoyed long showers. Did your own thing.

I assure you that things will get better. We won’t always poop all the time. And we will sleep through the night.

Meanwhile, if you’re finding it hard to cope, if you’re feeling low or depressed, please seek help. Have a friend or family member come in and manage some of the household chores, so you don’t resent us for intruding on your presence. You need to preserve your strength and energy for yourself. Only then will you have time and energy for us.

Also, don’t feel guilty for not being able to do enough.

And whatever you do, don’t shake us, please. That sort of thing can cause sudden death.

We can be demanding. Very demanding. It’s the way we were fashioned. To rely completely on you. To look to you for the fulfillment of all our needs. Your love for us is the closest to divine love.

In our own way, we will reward you. By gurgling at you, howling when you walk out of our line of vision, and when we are fed well, we will burp heartily. Apparently that’s the most satisfying sound you’ve ever heard.

Please run to us whenever we cry. It’s the only way we can communicate to you. We will cry for any number of reasons. Hunger, a diaper change, sleepiness, stomach ache, cold, indigestion, or simply a desire to be held. Whatever the reason for the crying, please rush to us and pick us up. 

Hold us as often as you can. It won’t spoil us. On the contrary, it will provide us a great sense of comfort and convince us that we have come into a world in which those we trust the most will not betray us. It will help build a more solid relationship between us, and give us a more positive self-image.

Another thing, we need both mums and dads to be a team for our sake. Both of you have something valuable to offer us.

There's a lot we'd like to talk about, but we'll wait until we're able to speak our first words.

You'll be waiting too, won't you?


  1. This brought back a lot of memories :)

  2. OMG Cynthia I just loooved this. This again is most fav post till now. I hope many people read this - spclly new mothers. This reminder is necessary ! a new born speaks and a new mother must and shud hear

  3. A memory that stays in the hearts and minds of mothers for ever no?

    N for Nauseated-Random Thoughts Naba

  4. Such a sweet post Cynthia. I wish when we are new mothers we would realise this. We get so lost in the crying that we don't is the only way for a newborn to communicate!

  5. Thank you Cynthia. You brought tears to my eyes. Such beautiful words, again.

  6. Can identify so much with this.....mother to a 4 month old....but its d best feeling in d world! Hands down!

  7. Oh they are so precious!

    Please run to us whenever we cry. It’s the only way we can communicate to you. We will cry for any number of reasons. Hunger, a diaper change, sleepiness, stomach ache, cold, indigestion, or simply a desire to be held. Whatever the reason for the crying, please rush to us and pick us up.
    Perfectly said!

  8. This is a cute post and well written :)

  9. I like how the new born reflects our shared thoughts. This took me to 3 years back. :)



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