Title: Daniel the Draw-er
Author: SJ Henderson
Publisher: Createspace (Self-published)
Pages: 142
Daniel the Draw-er is a charming book for children that holds appeal for
grownups too. Written as the first person present tense account of Daniel, the
book is sure to appeal to readers.
Nine-year-old Daniel is a remarkable voice. He has just the
right mix of naiveté and the ability to see through the pretense of the adults
around him. He makes observations about adults, how they are supposed to be smart,
but aren’t always. How they are always making pronouncements about what is or
isn’t healthy for children.
Even as he speaks of big things, he remains a child, his
childishness seen through the little details, the way he drinks straight from
the carton and wipes his milk moustache on his sleeve.
Still childlike enough to want a superhero’s cape, he is
still mature enough to fight his own battles, although from the grownup’s point
of view, he can be difficult at times. Set fire to one kitchen and everyone
freaks out.
Daniel has only one friend at school. Annie. Even as his mother pesters him to make new
friends, he insists that Annie is the only friend he needs. Annie, his best
friend, smells of peanut butter and wears her brother’s old jeans. Immediately
you get a word picture of the character. You don’t need any extensive
descriptions after that.
Daniel has a great imagination. He draws machines with
awesome powers. One of his creations is a robot named Pi-zzabot who bakes a
pizza and does your Math homework too. Or a bear with octopus-like tentacles on
the lower half of his body.
When the tip of his pencil breaks off, he begins to draw
with a pencil he finds in the attic. What he doesn’t know is that this pencil
is magical, so anything he draws with it comes alive.
His find is so awesome that Daniel cannot bring himself to
share it, not even with Annie. And so there is a rift in their friendship.
Annie moves on to other friends, and Daniel is left to mull over and regret his
Of course, it is a children’s story, and everything works
out well in the end, with assorted fantastical characters joining in the good
fight against big bully Bucky Thomas on behalf of Daniel.
And of course, the magic pencil also has a magic eraser
attached to one end, so some troubles can just be erased out of existence.
The characters, as seen through Daniel’s perspective, appear
eccentric and amusing. Young Daniel describes Tommy, his sister Lila’s latest
boyfriend as having just enough hair on his chin to make it look like he’s
super-glued a caterpillar there and smelling of microwave burritos and cat
Daniel’s observations on most girls are amusing. He has a
delicious tone of irony when Lila corrects his English and he tells us that
Tommy needs the correction more. After all, it is Tommy who refers to Daniel as
a draw-er, when artist is the right word.
He expresses a wry opinion on his mom’s cooking skills,
particularly her infamous meatloaf, Dad’s toys in the attic, and Lila’s crazy
attempts to make herself look pretty.
About Dad, who is officially least favourite parent, he
says, Never mind him. We both know Mom’s the one in charge.
I read this story out loud to La Niña and El Niño and both
gave it a delighted thumbs up. They giggled through the reading, particularly
when Pi-zzabot and Mr Whiskers, the cat, came on the scene.
Of course, I exercised parental discretion when reading
Daniel’s observations out loud, toning them down suitably to suit the ears of
my wee ones, and omitting passages that might shock them. Or give them ideas.
There was one place
where Daniel rolls his eyes on hearing his mother’s words.
That sort of
behaviour, fellow-parents, you will agree, must be nipped without mercy.